Friday, September 12, 2008

learning to " Take Joy"

I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
Not borne on morning wings
Of majesty, but I have set My Feet
Amidst the delicate and bladed wheat
That springs triumphant in the furrowed sod.
There do I dwell, in weakness and in power;
Not broken or divided, saith our God!
In your strait garden plot I come to flower:
About your porch My Vine
Meek, fruitful, doth entwine;
Waits, at the threshold, Love’s appointed hour.

I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
Yea! on the glancing wings

Of eager birds, the softly pattering feet
Of furred and gentle beasts, I come to meet
Your hard and wayward heart. In brown bright eyes
That peep from out the brake, I stand confest.
On every nest
Where feathery Patience is content to brood
And leaves her pleasure for the high emprize
Of motherhood—
There doth My Godhead rest.

I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
My starry wings
I do forsake,
Love’s highway of humility to take:
Meekly I fit My stature to your need.
In beggar’s part
About your gates I shall not cease to plead—
As man, to speak with man—
Till by such art
I shall achieve My Immemorial Plan,
Pass the low lintel of the human heart.

- Evelyn Underhill

This is the favorite poem of a very dear lady who you may already be familiar with. Tasha Tudor is her name. Her motto in life was " Take Joy, " isn't that lovely? I think I will borrow it from her. I have been reading about her life this week.

She wrote and illustrated several books, one in particular is very dear to our hearts about a favorite doll of her's, given to us by Grannie Annie called , A is for Annabelle. Which brings me to this interesting side note. When Anniebelle saw a picture of this sweet little old lady she said, " look Mommy, she's kind of like Grannie Annie. " I find myself fasinated by the story and simple beauty of this woman's life and thought I would like to share her with you ladies, and that perhaps you might also find yourself blessed by her work and sweet spirit.

So today I will continue to revel in our backyard black berry picking adventures and all of Annabelle's sweet pretendings. I will take mental pictures of her bouncing curly-topped head, making mud pies, dressed in a gauzy pink tu-tu, calling to me from the back porch..."Mommy you're the best girl I ever had. " Today I really don't see that it will be all that difficult to find reason after reason to "take joy," do you?


Dawna said...

How very sweet, and how very true. You are blessed, my friend, and you are a blessing. Love you much!

Leslie said...

oh Chelle... what a picture you paint.

thank you for your oh so encouraging email this morning.

I feel so blessed to call you friend...

Aminta said...

Sweet! That is the correct word!
I too adore this book. My grandma had given me one when I was five, and I remember it distinctly.
I love you dearest of Chelles!

Lisa said...

you make "taking joy" so so easy - just by reading this post I feel more joyful!!!
btw - did anything come for you today? I sure hope your gut was right...

Happy weekend to you, sweet friend!

Fairlightday said...

With you around dear, it is never hard to "take joy."
I love you dearest of dear friends!

Donna said...

Oh Chelle,
I love,love Tasha Tudor.
As soon as I saw the first picture I knew exactly who's dress that was.
She has some really fun video's that you can get at the library called "Take Joy". It so fun to see her walking and talking in her home and garden in the video's. I love her stories for little ones. I was sorry when she passed away this June. But what wonderful books she leaves for us all.

Jacy said...

What a sweet sweet post and such a wonderful little passing, to remind us to take joy in the small and little things!
It always brings JOY when reading a bit on your sweet life and oh how I adore hearing about your Anniebelle and her cute little conversations with you!
You are such a joy my friend!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

A post just oozing with positivity! :) Loving your outlook on life.
I tried to email you, but it was returned to me saying that your mailbox was full. I would love to hear from you, so just go to my blog, where you will find a "contact me" button on the left hand column. My email address is there. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you an email right now! xoxo
