Monday, January 14, 2008

So happy to be...

...after hugging and kissing Grandpa goodbye and driving two hours to the train station....after we got there and found out our train would not be arriving at all because of a frieght train had derailed earlier that morning, blocking the main tracks...after thanking God that it wasn't our train that had derailed...after being told that they were sending a bus for us and that it would be there to pick us up sometime in the next four hours...after a delightful drop-in visit with Annabelle's Great, Great Aunt Lois...after Annabelle got very well aquainted with every nook and crany and man, and said hello to every woman and child in that depot...after a almost 6 hour bus ride across half of Montana, and witnessing this not so small miracle: that Annabelle did not cry, not once the entire time she was stuck with us on the jam-packed bus...seriously, in those five plus hours, she was better than perfect, truly a miracle...after finally boarding the train, 9 hours later than we had orginally planned, we settled in for the night...after a total knock-down-drag-out-melt-down at bedtime that felt like it lasted hours and included, much pacing back and forth down the train car aisles, and finally ended in her giving in to her exhaustion, poor baby...after hours of dozing and then staring out into the black of a snowy Montana night...after my Dad met us at the train station, and helped us carry our ridiculous amount of bags to the truck, we said our good-byes and left for home...after driving in freezing fog, knowing the roads were beyond slick, coming upon 3 cars in less than two minutes that had slid off the road...after stopping for a nap, because David couldn't keep his eyes open any longer...after the fog cleared to show off snow-capped, mountains and trees glittering white in the late morning sun...after cheering as we turned off the freeway, knowing it was the last leg of the last leg of our journey...after all of that...



Lisa said...

What a trip?!?! But none the less, I am sure it was fantastic! It is the small gifts, like a well behaved child that can be the biggst blessings!!!
So glad to have you home!
Love - Lisa

Lisa said...

P.S. I love your new look here!

Anonymous said...

Chelle (your amazing)
There is no way that I would have ever made it through ALL that with my 3 year old son and not pulled at least a little of my hair out in the process! :) Congrats on making it safely and we are glad you are back.
{san diego}

Leslie said...

Oh Chelle-
being home for us was a blessing as well, but nothing that drawn out...
So glad your home, and hoping that you can enjoy the sights and sounds and smells and touch of being home... :)
Missed you


Fairlightday said...

so so thankful that you made it home safely! Annabelle is the best! and God is so good! And thank you for the reminder to NOT travel during winter. :)

Anonymous said...

What an ordeal! So glad you made it home safely. What a wonderful memory to be greatful for!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this made me cry! Home is sweet indeed. Hope your next few days are full of jammies and hot drinks and tinkly music and soul saturating home-ness. It's good to have you back! (Safe and sound!)


Andi Mae said...

Yay! You are home! I have missed you :)

Traveling with little munchkins is so different and much harder- I cn definitly relate to that! I am so glad that all your journeys were safe and that you had such a lovely time visiting with your family. Your pictures are so sweet-especially the ones of Annabelle in the snow- I love the rosy cheeks!

Welcome home!!

Lauren Kate said...

What a trip! So happy you are back!

Anonymous said...


welcome home.

Anonymous said...

You guys are troopers and your newest family pictures are charming. I'm so glad that you guys got home safely to your snug house.
