I've got to hurry up an post this before the it becomes { Last Weekend Review }.
We spent last weekend enjoying the company of "Auntie" Deb and our twin nephew and neice, Jesse and Mari. They are exactly three months older than Annabelle so you can only imagine the ammounts of fun that we have when our "three twinies" as we call them, are together. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. How about _ pictures? We had the best time together, playing, singing, reading, running, eating, chasing the cat, dancing, baking pies, playing at the park, dinner with dear family, getting to feed Lucy, and Dottie and Ethel, the sheep apples, and with only the very occasional "mine" thrown in every now and then .
And Deb and I were even able to sneak away for a few hours to Target, where we just had so much fun sipping our Starbucks and browsing down aisles, that didn't include diapers. Because David so sweetely offered to stay at home to watch all three babies. And yes, he is that awesome. And we felt that spoiled. So without further commentary, I will add pictures.

{ All boy! }
{ running in the back yard, probably chasing the cat, poor George }
{ reading Karen Katz books, thank you Fairlight!}
{ Dancing in the kitchen, a favorite pastime of ours }
{ helping to feed Aunt Lynne's sheep }
{ Mari was brave enough to do it all on her own }
{ cousin-ly affection }

{ our beautiful Auntie Deb }
{ three twins }
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