Wednesday, September 05, 2012

{ First day of First grade }

   How can it already be time to say hello a new school year? And how can it be that we already  have a first grader living under our roof? Excited for all this year holds for her and for me as one of her teachers. Pintrest has a world of information and resources to offer, which I am loving. But to be really honest, in a lot of ways this school year looks like it's shaping up to be rather crazy with a new baby girl to arrive on the scene any day/week now, and I have to admit that I am feeling more than a little bit intimidated by the challenge of homeschooling while also mothering other the three under three. She's going to be going two full days a week to a local public school that partners with homeschooling families. I am so thankful for this best of both worlds option for her right now. And feel so privileged for the opportunity to be her teacher on the other three days we are at home.  My prayer for her and for myself over the course of this next school year and all the ones to come, as much as I want to foster in her a love of learning and make sure she is up to speed in every subject for her grade and age, that I wouldn't lose sight of what's most important and that we we would before all else " grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "  2 Pet. 3:18

So here we go1st Grade.
Ready or not, here she comes.
Please be kind.


Prairie Rose said...

Happy First Grade, Annabelle!
You are such a beautiful grown up lady:)

Jenny said...

How can this be??? How can she look so grown up, Chelle?

shabby girl said...

I can't believe she's in 1st grade already.
You will do a wonderful job, Chelle. A couple of days with other kids will be good for her, and 3 days at home with you, making sure she is learning what is important to your heart and family, perfect.