Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So what if it rains on your wedding day.

( I have had this little clipping hanging on my fridge for the last couple years and found it to be the perfect way to in a nut-shell, sum up our best friends wedding until of course I find the time to do up a proper post on this most momentous occasion of the summer)


Little Candle said...

I have always loved those cartoons...they are often very true too!
Nice to have you back!

Sarah :)

Fairlightday said...

Chelle! Spill the beans please! I've been dieing waiting to hear all the details! It has been such a long week not getting to call and find out all about it! Love you and have missed you ever so much!

SuzyQ said...

oh! please post lots of pictures! i know that it rained, but anna looks beautiful anyway...

Leslie said...

beautiful couple, the colors the dress, the beautiful lush green setting, and ohhh the rain, tell your dear friend that I have always always adored shooting rainy weddings, don't know why, just do.

Carrie said...

It rained on my wedding day. I've heard that it's good luck if it does. We're still married and haven't killed each other yet, so maybe there's something to that. LOL
God bless :)

Lisa said...

Looks amazing! I can not wait to hear more....

Andi Mae said...

What a lovely picture! They are such a beautiful couple. Can't wait to hear more about the special day AND to hear more about what you've been up to- I've really missed you!

Leslie said...

did yu get a treat from me? just curious?


Aminta said...

Love you Chelle! Loved this week, though CRAZY busy, loved seeing you with out the crazyness of the wedding stuff. I am SO looking forward to seeing your beautiful blog and photos of the wedding. Thank you, thank you, thank you ever so much for everything you have one. I consider it an honor to call you my sister.
(maybe see you for the Fourth??!)