Thursday, October 12, 2006

everyday happiness...


Perhaps I am fascinated by and enamored with them simply because that you are only, ever allowed one first. One first smile, giggle, word…first step…first birthday…the first day of school… losing your first tooth, or your first time on a bicycle…your first pet,… first sleepover…winter's first snowfall…first time to see the ocean… your first job, car, boyfriend…your first kiss…the first daffodil of spring...your first home…first baby...everyday life is full of them.

How about you? Do you have any memorable or recent firsts, I'd love to hear them!

Yesterday, Annabelle discovered, for the very first time, the taste of real food…and I as a first time mom, introduced her to real food…for the first time. Neither one of us were disappointed. I waited till I heard David pull into our drive-way ( which also happens to be my favorite time of the day), to crack the jar of baby food open. I was expecting with the first spoonful, at the least, a cute little pucker-face. At the worst, baby food spit all over my face. She reacted to the little jar of Pears and Raspberries with only the jolliest sort of baby-delight. In turn David and I grinned and chuckled and exclaimed “ oh how cute! ” with only the jolliest sort of parent-delight.
Maybe it is just my imagination, but sometimes I wonder…if David wore shirts with buttons, how I would keep the buttons from popping right off ? The other night we were out enjoying a frequent and reoccurring pastime of ours, otherwise refered to as the “diaper run“. I was trying to figure out what size of diapers to buy the babykins. I swear, you‘d think we were feeding her miracle grow or something! The last time we weighed her was maybe three weeks ago. She was just over 15 lbs. So I sent her off with her Daddy to find the aisle with the bathroom scales. He came back chanting 17, as if it were the number of home-runs scored during latest Mariner win! ( which to get completely off the subject, was something like three years ago ). That’s how proud and pleased and amazed he was. Me too.
So our precious little blue eyed baby girl weighs 17 lbs and will be 6 moths old next Saturday. I am so excited to celebrate her first half birthday. We’re going to give her…her first rubber duckie.